Mittwoch, 30. April 2008

Motion in the Ocean

hey guys,

time for another post. I was trying to write more a few days ago, but never had the time. Barcelona and Nice were great cities to explore even though the time was too limited to have a look at everything on my list! It really frees up your mind and reliefs the stress you build up while working almost all day, 7 days a week. Even if its only an hour sitting in a café with ur friends.
Since monday we have been starting a new cruise, going from lisbon to london. Right now I am in LaCoruna and have Lunch service off, which gives me a chance to catch up some sleep, write this post and extract a few pictures which I will post here tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how the sea is.,..forecast says rough sea. Last night it was so rough, that 2/3 of the restaurant were empty and room service broke the record in orders. Half of the restaurant staff worked room service. Tonight might be the same... also a sommelier managed to throw up in a closeby icebucket. For me it was fun, as sea-sickness did luckily not affect me!:)

Let's see how tonight goes... Work is fine, the routine now really kicks in. I might get to join room service, which is usually calm and better to get extra tips. Only during rough sea its busy and basically a b***h to work in, as the motion in the ocean makes it hard to walk up and down the stairs with the huge trays.

That is about it for now, more will follow the next days. Including the pictures! 

so long

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh nice, so when it's bad weather the job gets easier? Or did you get transfered to room service?

Anonym hat gesagt…

haha geil der hat sich echt in den kühler übergeben? waaahaha. naja der arme, ich kanns verstehen, mir wird ja sogar schon im zug schlecht. dir scheints sonst ja ganz gut zu gehen, außer dem wetter :) schick dir ein grüßle ;)

Flojo hat gesagt…


depends really... if its bad weather, the terrace is empty. so i might have less to do for breakfast, as long as the other departments do not request me to help out. i mean the guests stay the same, they just go to the other outlets or order room service... so u dont really have less to do, it just shifts. u still might get called to help out where it is busiest :/

Anonym hat gesagt…

Bayern is draussen :( waren echt zum kotzen die spiele!!! aber ab naechster saison gibts ja dann CL!!!
und jetzt em... also haste auch nix verpasst
