Montag, 7. April 2008

The Ship

Hey guys,

i am now aboard the Seabourn Pride and on my way to Greece. I have a lot of trainings, basically one a day during my spare time in the afternoon. That prevents on from goin onshore for a bit, but that will change soon!
My colleagues are really nice and help me picking it up as quick as possible. All around my age, and mostly austrian and german... the guests are nice as well.

I work all 3 meals, breakfast& lunch in Veranda Cafe, then dinner I work in the main dining room. Its quite allright, and not really hard work. Just annoying sometimes to run after others. And it is not really up to the standards of my intraining, only a LOT quicker.
Thats it so far, I will post pictures soon!

so long


3 Kommentare:

ch. hat gesagt…

guapo!!!! i'm glad you like it so far. It sounds like a looooooooooot of work. how is your room? do you share? put the videos you took!! or send them to my gmail.
te mando un beso.

sarah hat gesagt…

huhuuu flöchen! ganz super vorzüglich hört sich das alles an! du glückspilz, hier in stuggi schüttets und es hat genau 6 grad! sag mal kann ich dir eigentlich emails schreiben, an deine ritz-adresse? oder woanders hin?
ciaooooo bussi sarah

Flojo hat gesagt…

ja schicks an die ritzmail oder