Have not really managed to keep up with the blog lately. It is rather hard when u prefer to sleep or quickly check the mails and then hunt some food around the ship instead of producing some quality text here:)
However, I'll take a few minutes now! I have been struggling to upload new pictures, as the uploading system is kind of challenging for my browser...
This cruise has been quite easy in terms of guests. Mostly americans, and they are easy to entertain. Scandinavia is really nice to look at and we were quite blessed with the weather. Stockholm was actually my favorite destination so far. Tomorrow we will dock in Warnemünde, Germany, and have a football match against the crew of another ship docking there. It has been organised via our Purser's office. Can't wait to kick some a$$ :)
St. Petersburg was warmer and prettier than expected, but unfortunatly I was unable to get off the ship for all three days. According to russian immigration laws, it is only allowed to disembark the vessel holding a seaman's book from your own country. Since our ship is registered in the Bahamas, we all hold books from the Bahamas:(
I have also managed to obtain a promotion at the beginning of this cruise, which caused a lot more stress than expected. The new job and responsibilites were quite challenging and took until now to get used to. It feels like the routine just kicked in yesterday.... we'll see what tonight brings!
I hope this info helps and I will really try hard to post more... maybe I need some "hate mails" to keep me on track for that ;)
so long...
1 Kommentar:
was is dein neuer job???? Felix
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