hey guys,
46 hours until my seabourn expierence is over! i know i sort of slacked off with the pictures in the end, but there were (besides the horrible internet connection which takes ages for a single picture upload) why i did not spend so much time on the web!
However, I will post everything once i am back home! It was quite a nice experience that showed me a lot...happy days and tough times!
Stay tuned for more in 2 days!
Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008
Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008
Scandinavia, crew bar, visiting Elsa in Oslo
Samstag, 5. Juli 2008
My laptop is finally working again, so over the next days I will add new posts and pictures. Collected quite some stories to tell and pictures to go along!
just a lil patience :)
just a lil patience :)
Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008
I am currently cruising the Fjordes of Norway and the weather is so-so.... had to skip Kim's hometown Aalesund due to horrible weather and went straight on to Bergen...
fair enough, Kim is in Brig anyways;)
Unfortunatley, internet reception is horrible, so i'm rather lucky to have a signal right now!
some pics attached from Kopenhagen and Flaam
Freitag, 6. Juni 2008
Big news!
Team Katanga had its first game yesterday against the crew from the Holland-America lines which was docked next to us at the port in Warnemünde. They organised a shuttle to a sportscenter where a football pitch was rented for us! At the end of a 60 minute game, we managed to score the winning goal in the last minute for a close 8:7 end result!
Put your hands up for the Pride!
Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008
I'm not dead...
Time for news!
Have not really managed to keep up with the blog lately. It is rather hard when u prefer to sleep or quickly check the mails and then hunt some food around the ship instead of producing some quality text here:)
However, I'll take a few minutes now! I have been struggling to upload new pictures, as the uploading system is kind of challenging for my browser...
This cruise has been quite easy in terms of guests. Mostly americans, and they are easy to entertain. Scandinavia is really nice to look at and we were quite blessed with the weather. Stockholm was actually my favorite destination so far. Tomorrow we will dock in Warnemünde, Germany, and have a football match against the crew of another ship docking there. It has been organised via our Purser's office. Can't wait to kick some a$$ :)
St. Petersburg was warmer and prettier than expected, but unfortunatly I was unable to get off the ship for all three days. According to russian immigration laws, it is only allowed to disembark the vessel holding a seaman's book from your own country. Since our ship is registered in the Bahamas, we all hold books from the Bahamas:(
I have also managed to obtain a promotion at the beginning of this cruise, which caused a lot more stress than expected. The new job and responsibilites were quite challenging and took until now to get used to. It feels like the routine just kicked in yesterday.... we'll see what tonight brings!
I hope this info helps and I will really try hard to post more... maybe I need some "hate mails" to keep me on track for that ;)
so long...
Samstag, 24. Mai 2008
Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008
all steady..
Hey guys,
haven't published anything lately, however its been plain routine over the past week. Work is the same, except that people show up in the outlets very late and shorten our breaks that way...
the current cruise is halfway through.. we will be disembarking the passengers next monday in Copenhagen.. before that an overnight in Amsterdam (including a drug test the next morning *harhar*) I will try to take some pictures there.
The last destinations were not particularly interesting, so no pictures, besides Cork (Northern Ireland) where we docked yesterday. Nice little town but not so much to see, besides the bottom of a pint of Guiness ;)
that's it so far, I'll try to write more over the next week!
so long
Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008
It's official!
I finally got my IP grades! I am now officially a Bachelor in Hospitality and Tourism Management!
Thanks to all the people sharing the time at UCCR! Was a great time!
Samstag, 3. Mai 2008
Mittwoch, 30. April 2008
Motion in the Ocean
hey guys,
time for another post. I was trying to write more a few days ago, but never had the time. Barcelona and Nice were great cities to explore even though the time was too limited to have a look at everything on my list! It really frees up your mind and reliefs the stress you build up while working almost all day, 7 days a week. Even if its only an hour sitting in a café with ur friends.
Since monday we have been starting a new cruise, going from lisbon to london. Right now I am in LaCoruna and have Lunch service off, which gives me a chance to catch up some sleep, write this post and extract a few pictures which I will post here tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how the sea is.,..forecast says rough sea. Last night it was so rough, that 2/3 of the restaurant were empty and room service broke the record in orders. Half of the restaurant staff worked room service. Tonight might be the same... also a sommelier managed to throw up in a closeby icebucket. For me it was fun, as sea-sickness did luckily not affect me!:)
Let's see how tonight goes... Work is fine, the routine now really kicks in. I might get to join room service, which is usually calm and better to get extra tips. Only during rough sea its busy and basically a b***h to work in, as the motion in the ocean makes it hard to walk up and down the stairs with the huge trays.
That is about it for now, more will follow the next days. Including the pictures!
so long
Samstag, 19. April 2008
Now that I have been aboard Seabourn Pride for 15 days, I am finally starting to get the hang of it. I moved the cabin a third time now (and hopefully for the last time) and live together with a German colleague from Hamburg. It's quite allright:)
What I have learned over the past two weeks is that one should not ask any questions or try to think more than the supervisor. It is not appreciated;)
Furthermore, as in almost any F&B operation it is vital to become friends with the chefs or room service. Tonight the room service guys left us a pizza in the room and the chefs gave us ice cream. So quite a nice after-work meal.
The last days were rather unspectacular in terms of shore-leave. Messina was dirty, Corfu I had to man the ship while in port. Today we were in Sorrent which was beautiful, but the time was too limited to see all the nice things, such as Pompeij. After a day at sea tomorrow, we will advance to Genoa, Nice and Barcelona. Can't wait to see these places!!
That's it so far, pictures will be up within the next days! :)
Montag, 14. April 2008
Kopar, Dubrovnik, Corinthian Channel, Venice
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